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Murgi’s fun facts

This one goes out to Mrigank Gupta aka Murgi. Murgi is such an awesome dude that even Chuck Norris and Rajnikanth can’t hold a candle to him. Below are Some facts that are indeed facts

When Murgi was an infant he changed his own diapers

Murgi was born toilet trained

Murgi is actually the eldest in his house. He let the others enter this world before him

When Murgi was born he got his own birth certificate from the doctor’s office

Murgi never sits idle. He is just pretending to be like us

Murgi never listens to excuses on the phone. He simply tells you what to do and disconnects.

When Murgi will finally take a vacation the world will stop spinning

While Chuck Norris counted to infinity twice, Murgi had already finished counting thrice and was solving everyone else's problems.

Natural selection does not apply to Murgi. (Courtesy Ikka)

Murgi caught an electron at rest.(Courtesy Ikka)

When Arthur Eddington was asked if he really believed there were just three people in the world who understood General Relativity, and he wondered who the third one was, the two he had in mind were Murgi and Einstein. (Courtesy Ikka)

Murgi taught all the birds, how to fly (Courtesy Pravin Gangwar aka Gangu)

Jadoo didn't come to earth from krypton by some hyper speed rocket. It was Murgi who flew across galaxies and covered light years to save him and brought him to earth (Courtesy Gangu)

Murgi knows the answer to the question, "Why did the Murgi cross the road?" (Courtesy Chintoo)

When Murgi got a BC, Mech DUGC crapped his pants (Courtesy Nitish Nana)

When Murgi simulates flow of Complex Fluids they all behave as Simple fluids (Courtesy Nana)

Murgi never lets a good deed go unpunished. He thanks everyone for contributing to fun facts

Add more in the comments.


S said…
There is always one more "Murgi fact".
S said…
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S said…
Natural selection does not apply to Murgi.
S said…
Murgi solved Navier Stokes equations in three dimensions, but then burnt his sheets, because he wanted a more elegant solution.
S said…
Murgi caught an electron at rest.
S said…
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S said…
When Arthur Eddington was asked if he really believed there were just three people in the world who understood General Relativity, and he wondered who the third one was, the two he had in mind were Murgi and Einstein.
S said…
Murgi got a polynomial time algorithm for SAT, but he burnt his sheets because he cares even for people who use credit cards, IM, and email.
Ketan Sharma said…
Murgi Counted to infinity... twice.
Unknown said…
Murgi is a perpetual motion machine :P
Unknown said…
Murgi taught all the birds, how to fly :P
Shanu said…
He doesn't wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
Shanu said…
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures he has allowed to live.
Unknown said…
Superman didn't come to earth from krypton by some hyper speed rocket. It was murgi who flew across galaxies and covered light yrs to save him n brought him to earth :P
Kartik Kaipa said…
Avoid the Chuck Norris knock offs I'd say :). Murgi ke samne Chuck Norris bhi fail ho jayega
Unknown said…
Murgi wrote Ansys FLUENT himself.
Unknown said…
Murgi knows the answer to the question, "Why did the Murgi cross the road?"
Unknown said…
modification to perpetual motion machine fun fact "Even perpetual motion machine can't beat murgi's efficiency"
Unknown said…
Murgi has witnessed 'The Big Bang'.
Unknown said…
@Gangu: Wrong. Murgi was the one who actually caused the big bang
S said…
On murgi and evolution:

Evolution did not occur by natural selection. Murgi selected which which mutations to reward.
Unknown said…
Ostriches don't lay eggs, they borrow those from Murgi :P
Unknown said…
Thank u junta... u all know me better :)... only through this i came to know of many of my supernatural powers

@gangu: "Murgi who flew across galaxies and covered light years"... haha :)

@Ikka: "Murgi caught an electron at rest"...moreover.. concepts of relativity r known to me.. thank u for the Big Words :)

Chapa hai jadoo .. mast hilarious hai .... bahut creative hai... rofl
Unknown said…
It was infact Murgi who wrote down the Mahabharata non stop under dictation
Unknown said…
It was infact Murgi who wrote down the Mahabharata non stop under dictation
Unknown said…
@afro: hehehe... sorry for mistake dude :P
actually "murgi caused the bing bang by colliding two high speed egg beams" :D
Unknown said…
24 is loosely based on Murgi's life
Unknown said…
Murgi also knows the answer to the age old question, "which came first the murgi or the anda"
Kartik Kaipa said…
@Afro loosely based :). Entirely nahi hona chahiye kya
Unknown said…
@Kaipa: Was trying to avoid a lawsuit, but then Murgi hai na :P

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